

by and with Federica Aloisio and Sabrina Vicari
costumes Sabrina Vicari (Consuendi)
light design Danila Blasi
music Angelo Sicurella
production PinDoc
with the contribution of MIC and Regione Siciliana
supported by Limone Lunare, Atelier 12, Piccolo Teatro Patafisico, Residenza Arte Transitiva Stalker Teatro, Diaria Didattica Arte Ricerca Azione

"ZERO IN CONDOTTA-Cobas Scuola" AWARD Festival Presente Futuro 2021

(for adults and children aged 6 years upwards)

“A man who walks needs to be mirrored in his fellow man in reverse to emphasize his movement”.

Marc Chagall


ANAPODA - Greek for “upside down” – comes from the need for subverting all logic, by challenging the ordinary perception and by dealing with our own myths and internal monsters. The observers themselves will turn the images upside down, by following either a rational or an emotional perspective. This carousel of glancing eyes, different masks, and multiple identities is inspired by the surrealist portraits of Spanish photographer Ana Hell. Two odd-looking women abruptly find themselves in a capsized world, an alternate dimension where everything flows backwards and where fragments of life and stereotyped personalities are mixed together. In this upside down world the sky becomes the floor, since the perception of the body is constantly illusory.